This Lovecraftian short story “Somnium” by the young and talented writer Can Giray Velioğlu is on discover the dark and nightmarish universe he has created, full of vivid and genuine characters. All illustrations by Can.
16 yaşındaki genç yazar Can Giray Velioğlu’nun, H.P. Lovecraft evreninden kopup gelmiş ve mükemmel bir İngilizce ile kaleme alınmış “Somnium” adlı karanlık, cehennemi ve fantastik öyküsüne‘da yer verdik. İllüstrasyonlarının da Can’a ait olduğu “Somnium”, ağzınıza layık bir okuma olarak sayfamızda.
I must warn you. Yes, you. The one beyond the glass. Reality has no meaning here. Neither does time. So I kindly ask you, expand your mind. Your dimension’s laws have no meaning whatsoever in this universe. May the Sanguis bless you.
T’was an ordinary day; cars honking, birds chirping…
Yet everyone was excited, a new hope was on the horizon for the new generation. A recent scientific discovery blossomed hope into the heart of the masses. The Audere Company had invented heat resistant technology to solve the energy crisis by drawing power from the Earth’s very core. Evangelists ,Cults Imams alike had warned us. But we… we did not heed their warnings. The feared day had cometh.
Primis, the creature had been awaken. Emergency sirens ringed all over the planet, adding to the chaos and madness even more.
“Uncle Simon!” exclaimed my little nephew.
Every time I look at his innocent face I feel crestfallen. He was born into this unending nightmare. A pig to the slaughter.
“He is looking at me again, Uncle Simon!” The Creature is watching up there, whether it is day or night. We stopped caring after the nightfall of the 7th day, well, except for Michael. Michael is odd. He was born looking straight to the Old One, out in the field on the First Day of The Old One’s coming. It was strange, as there was not a single case where one was not afflicted with madness when they looked at the Creature. He did not cry, I would say he was amazed by his strange beauty. The Newly Formed Harbingers had took an interest in him that fateful night. My sole purpose has been to escort my nephew to the Crucible ever since I dreamt of his fate. The dream was blurry, but dreams never lie. Oh, I almost had forgot!
“Come here Michael, do not dally!”
“Yes Uncle?”
“It is time for your feeding.”
I took out the unholy knife, and cut myself. The pain… The pain is unbearable. But only an immortal can kill an immortal. My accursed blood surged with flame. Oh… it burns! “Come on Michael, lick the knife.”
I wish I could tell him…
3 knocks. Must be a Harbinger.
“Hide into your dream, Michael.”
After Michael hides, I open the door.
The Harbinger’s deformed face and body is enough to make one gouge their eyes out. Briars coming out of his bloody robe. They do not understand the curse, it is human nature, I suppose. Curiosity Kills The Cat.
“ What.. is Thy business.. here?” Asked the Harbinger, with his deep, unsettling voice.
“Why, young man, I am here for the annual H’ouz. What is your business?” I answered, cocky.
“Linger not, in this accursed place much longer. May the Sanguis bless you.” His tone warped into another that can almost be considered… welcoming.
Of course, we were not here for the H’ouz.
The Harbinger levitated away, at last.
“Michael, come out now.”
Michael warped into our plane of existence.
“Uncle, my insides feel fuzzy…” said Michael.
I reach for the shelf, and take out the sacred vial. “Here, drink this.”
After Michael drank his physical form, I urged him to get ready, as it was time to leave.
I take my knife and walking stick, while Michael takes his toy bear.
Secundo, the creature engulfed the sky, turning it scarlet. Blood started to pour from the Creature’s mouth. No one reported to have seen even one drop of rain ever since. Just blood.
We depart the Abandoned Church and leave to brave the nightmares outside.
Our Fates are already written, thought of and they have already come to pass. Circulus Plenus.
We depart the Abandoned Church and leave to brave the nightmares, both in us and outside.
Ahh, How I missed the smell of contaminated God-Blood! I can not believe the Harbingers drink this willingly. Peculiar creatures, although they were once human, they have not a single feature that resembles their old selves now.
“Why could not we stay at the Church Uncle?”asked Michael.
Well, I said. We need to give the impression we are on H’ouz.
“What’s H’ouz?” asked Michael in a curious tone. “An ancient human ritual, conducted since the beginning of our existence. It existed in various forms, now called the H’ouz. It is the act of traveling to an important religious site.” I I replied, hoping to sate his curiosity. After all, curiosity kills the cat.
“But what is our purpose doing this, we could have stayed in the Church!”
“Enough now.”
He was disappointed at me because I thwarted him, but I had no choice. To him his fate shall stay unknown.
Tres, the tide ebbed. Abominations rose from the ocean that even one with the broadest of minds could not grasp their form. It was then the Harbingers slaughtered them to drink their blood, all to bond with their Newfound God. They believed that the creatures rising from the sea were related to the One In the Sky, and drinking their blood would make them reach Fanfilah, the state of being one with God. And they did partially, to my surprise. They morphed, into horrible entities. The remaining humans applauded the strength of the Harbingers and joined them, thus, all hailed to Alemich, Unusquisque, the name they had given to their new God in the sky. Extreme situations tend to reveal abnormal and erratic behavior in Humans. The real question is: Is the behavior the product of the extreme, or was it always there inside our mind, skulking in the shadows?
I notice that Michael is becoming drowsy.
“My boy, we can rest if you desire.”
He shrugged me off.
“Still irritated at me?”
No answer.
“Look dear, I apologize. I wanted to avoid explaining why we are on this…voyage. But it
seems that I have no other choice now. We cannot have you angry at me the whole journey, can we? We have the fate of the universe in our hands. You are the key, Michael. Key to restore the order of all 4 pillars of existence. Now sleep. Weave thy mind into being!”
Michael was already asleep. Wondrous events must be happening inside his broad mind! All the neurons, connected in a cluster. Oh! I can sense a supernova. You exceeded yourself this time, my dear. You did not kill a star last timeline, my dear. His toy bear started to twitch as well. He created life for the first time!
At dawn he had already formed his own universe. I could not let him get ahead of himself though. I snapped my fingers to annihilate his universe. This version of him appears to be peculiar. Too powerful. Hah! I was almost jealous.
I struggled the urge to kill him that night.
Michael awoke.
“Good morning Michael!”
He opened his sleep-deprived eyes, while his divine eyes closed.
“Good morning Uncle…” He was tired.
It appears last night’s dream was too much for him.
“Come on dear, we have a long journey ahead of us.”
“Can’t I sleep for 5 minutes longer?”
“No you can not, do not keep me waiting!”
We were close. Close to Rebirth. The end was near, or should I say, the beginning?
“What is that structure?” asked Michael.
I do not want to upset him, especially at the start of his rebirth, so I sate his curiosity.
“The Crucible, my dear. Where our fates will be forged”
Of course I knew they were already forged, yet a sense of mystery and exploration is needed for his rebirth to be efficient as possible. The strings of the universe will be recreated, after all. His mind needs to be as broad as possible.
“I… I feel strange. I feel… I have been here before.” said Michael.
2 Shadows began to take physical form in front of us.
“The Prophesied One!” cried the first one.
“Dominus Alemich, you have blessed us with your presence! Come now, to our side, O wise one! Your blood we need! We Harbingers have waited for this moment! At last the time has come! Supra Alemich Omnis!”
Pathetic Sort. Unstable, unworthy creatures. They worship every being they come across that is superior to them, some are even imaginary! I loathe the fact that they are the product of my mind!
“Uncle, why did they call me “Alemich?”
“Because it is your name, my dear. It will all become clearer when we complete our journey.”
We walk towards the core of the Crucible.
“What… What is this feeling?” said Michael.
“It is time. It is time my little numen. It is time you heard the Truth. You… Michael. You are Me! You are God! You are the nature, and you are all that reside in it! You are Alemich, Unusquisque! Everyone that exists, did exist and will exist is all you! Come now, let us complete our fate!
Michael, or I, frankly, it does not matter anymore, touch the Crucible.
I had… a dream. It is all blurry. The sky was scarlet.
Soon after, the emergency sirens ringed, and they reminded me of my purpose. Circulus Plenus.
Can Giray Velioğlu
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