Gottfried Helnwein: The Artist of Pain and Provocation

Gottfried Helnwein is an Austrian-Irish visual artist renowned for his striking and provocative works that explore themes of pain, violence, and the human condition. Using hyper-realistic painting, photography, and mixed media, Helnwein creates unsettling images often focused on the innocence of children as a metaphor for societal anxieties. Born in 1948, in the aftermath of World War II, Helnwein deeply understands the traumas inflicted on society by the war. His works, characterized by taboo subjects, are both frightening, disturbing, and mesmerizing.

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Sotiris Anunnaki V. from the symphonic death metal band SEPTICFLESH spoke to Metal Oda on the verge of their İstanbul concert to be held on February 16, 2024. The concert venue is IF Beşiktaş and the concert is organized by Vera Müzik and Black Label Events.

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This Lovecraftian short story “Somnium” by the young and talented writer Can Giray Velioğlu is on discover the dark and nightmarish universe he has created, full of vivid and genuine characters. All illustrations by Can.

16 yaşındaki genç yazar Can Giray Velioğlu’nun, H.P. Lovecraft evreninden kopup gelmiş ve mükemmel bir İngilizce ile kaleme alınmış “Somnium” adlı karanlık, cehennemi ve fantastik öyküsüne‘da yer verdik. İllüstrasyonlarının da Can’a ait olduğu “Somnium”, ağzınıza layık bir okuma olarak sayfamızda.

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Metal Oda and the Classical Music Clinic met once again on Clubhouse, exploring the subject of “Death” in heavy metal and in classical music.  The subject of death is a popular one in music and literature and as the two best music clubs in their specific genres, we have come up with rich and deep content from different composers and metal bands.

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Interesting Street Art from İstanbul. More to follow.

İstanbul sokaklarından ilginç duvar resimleri. Devamı gelecek.

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Dark, deep and impressive are the paintings by Mario Duplantier, French technical death/progressive metal band Gojira’s talented drummer. Reflecting his impressions from his travels around the world with his band, his art underlines his deep compassion for nature and animals and asks questions about human existence.

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3 Şubat Perşembe akşamı Pera Palas Oteli çok özel bir sergiye ev sahipliği yaptı. Sevgililer Günü’nü kutlamayan “360 Dereceden Aşk” festivalinin bu seneki teması “Evin nerede?” idi. Nesli tükenen, insan eliyle doğal yaşam alanları yok edilen hayvanlara, bitkilere, kendi topraklarına yabancılaşanlara, evinden uzaklaşmak zorunda kalanlara sorulan bir soru “Evin nerede?”…

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When I wrote about the best metal albums of 2021 in December, I didn’t tell you which one I thought was the best among them. There was one hint though about its release date for the attentive reader. As I said in this article, there was that one album in 2021 which left me speechless and this is the “Moonflowers” by the Finnish death-doom masters Swallow The Sun. When I reviewed Iron Maiden’s Senjutsu in September, I remember saying it was too early to label this or that as the best metal album of the year, although I am a great Iron Maiden fan.

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Metal Sculpture ‘Helheim Ma’at’  by artist Cem Özkan inspired by Norse Mythology Goddess Hel.

Hurda ve doğadan toplanmış gerçek kemik / Metal scrap and bones collected from the environment.

Photo credit: @metaloda

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