Video Games and Metal Music

There is an interesting connection between games and metal music; both are known for pushing boundaries and trying the unconventional. Especially when the adrenaline-filled scenes of action games combine with the intense riffs of metal music, an unforgettable experience is created. Both games have contributed greatly to metal music, and metal music has also had a significant impact on games. In this content, we will look at a few games that are closely related to metal music.

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Last week we have listened to the Rock and Metal songs from the massive TV series Stranger Things in Clubhouse Metal Oda. I was very much excited about this broadcast, I’ll tell you why…The sci-fi, horror drama TV series Stranger Things from Duffer Brothers is airing since 2016. I watched all episodes in four days and with very little sleep due to the excitement of its plot.

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Interesting Street Art from İstanbul. More to follow.

İstanbul sokaklarından ilginç duvar resimleri. Devamı gelecek.

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As devoted followers of Metal Oda Instagram page might already know, each month I pick a classic vintage car and post a short review entitled “The Classic Car of the Month”. As the first post on classic cars at web page, we have prepared this month’s article along with Alp Karpuzoğlu, Anesthesia Band vocalist Ege’s brother, a classical cars enthusiast and an expert in this field. For, Alp chose a very special classic car, the 1962 Chevy Impala SS Sport Golden Anniversary.

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What I saw in the windows today.
Bugün vitrinlerde gördüklerim.

Glass Skull Lamp available in gold and silver.

